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New Mexico Live Radio

LiveKABG 98.5 FM BIGOldiesLos Alamos
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KABQ 104.7 FMCountryAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKANW 89.1 FMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKBIM 94.9 The Country GiantCountryRoswell
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KBQI Big I 107.9CountryAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKD (KDSK) RadioOldies+50`s 50erSanta Fe
Real-PlayerLiveKDRF 103.3 Ed FMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKDSK 92.7 FM Sound SouvenirsOldiesGrants
Real-PlayerLiveKGAK Radio Station 1330 AMMixGallup
Real-PlayerLiveKGRT 104 The Country StationCountryLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLiveKHFM 95.5 FMKlassikSanta Fe
Real-PlayerLiveKHQT FM Hot 103MixLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLiveKKOB AMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKKOB FMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KLQT Lite 95.1 FMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKMGA 99.5 Magic FMMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKMIN 980 AMCountryGrants
Real-PlayerLiveKNML 610 AM The Sports AnimalSportAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKPCL 97.7 FMMixFarmington
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KPEK 100.3 The PeakMixAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKQTM 101.7 FM The TeamSportRio Rancho
Real-PlayerLiveKRST Nasch FM 92.3CountryAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKRUX 91.5 FMVarietyLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLiveKRWG 90.7 FMKlassikLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLiveKSJE 90.9 FMJazzFarmington
Real-PlayerLiveKTAO 101.9 FMMixTaos
Real-PlayerLiveKTBL 1050 AMNews+TalkLos Ranchos
Real-PlayerLiveKTDB 89.7 FM Native Voice OneMixPinehill
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KTEG 104.7 The EdgeRockAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKUNM 89.9 FMPublic RadioAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveKVLC 101 GoldOldiesLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLiveKXPZ 99.5 FM ZIA CountryCountryLas Cruces
Real-PlayerLive US Radio*KZRR 94 RockRockAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLiveViva El MariachiMariachiAlbuquerque
Real-PlayerLive¡Que Viva México!MariachiAlbuquerque
